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The Closing Ceremony of the Second International Cultural Festival 

and The Finale of the Foreign Language 

Singing Contest at HZU


  In the evening of December 21st, vice president Liu Guodong accompanied by directors, teachers and students attended the Closing Ceremony of the Second International Cultural Festival and The Finale of the Foreign Language Singing Contest organized by the Publicity Office of the CPC Huizhou University Committee, CCYL Committee, International Affairs Department, Educational Administration Office, Student Affairs Department and School of Foreign Languages at the Conference Hall.

  Liu delivered a speech at the ceremony based on the theme of vision, culture, and communication. He emphasized that the internationalization of HZU should be attained through upholding the educational philosophy of being applicable, regional and international as well as organizing multiple activities, for instance, exchange programs and cooperation with famous academies and enterprises. He said the International Cultural Festival provided an opportunity for students to expand their international horizons and created an international atmosphere on campus. Besides, he encouraged students to appreciate foreign language learning and embrace international perspectives.

  The Foreign Language Singing Contest lasted for a month, attracting 318 participants from 16 Schools engaged. After several rounds, ten contestants from six Schools remained. The finale was divided into three rounds, bringing out four contestants from the School of Foreign Language, School of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, School of Mathematics and Big Data Science, School of Geography and Tourism awarded the top four. Prof. Wang Gesong from the School of Music also gave his brilliant reviews for the performances. The contest ended with the chorus of all contestants.

  The Second International Cultural Festival lasted for six months. Several activities including online foreign language dubbing contest, English recitation contest, Chinese traditional cultural practices, famous foreign companies visit, international exchange activities introduction and foreign language singing contest are held to stimulate students’ passion for bicultural exploration and bilingual study, broaden their horizons as well as equip them with international awareness.
